Lunch-seminar with P. Koestenbaum at De Warande & Seminar in the evening with Peter Koestenbaum
For the first time in Europe, Dr. Koestenbaum offered a seminar initially designed and delivered in collaboration with the Harvard Club of San Francisco.
During this lunch and seminar, Dr. Peter Koestenbaum presented us his Leadership Diamond methodology in which he combines Ethics, Courage, Vision and Reality.
He led an informal conversation on how philosophy and the humanities can productively and profitably support virtually any business at its critical success points.
He used a systematic coaching approach based on the global history of ideas and cultures, studied in the humanities, as a fail-safe vehicle to address hard-ball bottom-line crises in international business and the public sector.
The seminar touched upon twelve criteria for creating, in a business setting and in a life, « space for leadership », which includes :
- Leadership Capacity: Courage, Ethics, Reality and Vision;
- Leadership Readiness: Going deeper, Striving for greatness, Facing the shadow and Managing polarity;
- Leadership Transformation: Free will, Systems thinking, acknowledging
« being » and tracking history and the significance of time; - Leadership Questions: Do you understand, i.e., really « get it »? Is it relevant to the business´ objectives? Where are you using it already, how can you innovate with it and make everything work better? How will you/can you do your measuring?