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Lovanium Seminar in Ethics and Public Policy Neutrality | Philosophie et Management

Lovanium Seminar in Ethics and Public Policy Neutrality



Toon VANDEVELDE (KuLeuven) & Philippe VAN PARIJS (UCLouvain)

This joint KUleuven-UCLouvain seminar operates in English and takes place alternatively in Leuven and in Louvain-la-Neuve on a number of Thursdays (all day). It starts every year with a compact introduction to the main contemporary ethical theories that are relevant to the discussion of public policies and social institutions.
The rest of the seminar focuses on a special theme that changes from year to year. Past themes include global justice, migration, justice and democracy, the ethical limits of the market, justice and health. In 2010-11, the main focus will be on the principle of neutrality of the state.
The issues to be discussed include: Do the institutions of a democratic state need to be « neutral »? If so, in what sense? Is it possible/ desirable/ imperative that public institutions should show no bias towards a particular conception of the good? That they should not reflect a particular culture?  That they should give no particular status or advantage to any particular religion? To any particular language? To what extent and in what ways should « Western » countries adjust to or make room for the cultural customs, religious practices and native languages of immigrant populations? Is it legitimate for a state to pay priest and imams, to subsidize places of worship or confessional schools? If so, according to what criteria? Is it legitimate for a state to ban particular ways of dressing because of their religious connotations? If so, to what extent and on what grounds?

The meetings of the first semester will be held from 10.30am to 7pm on the following four Thursdays:

14 October (Louvain-la-Neuve)
28 October (Leuven)
25 November (Louvain-la-Neuve)
9 December (Leuven)

For further information :
Antoon.Vandevelde@hiw.kuleuven.be or philippe.vanparijs@uclouvain.be


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