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Normative Perspectives on Workplace Democracy | Philosophie et Management

Normative Perspectives on Workplace Democracy

University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
November 5-6th 2010

This Workshop on Workplace Democracy will discuss normative perspectives on workplace democracy from an interdisciplinary perspective, including a wide range of disciplines such as philosophy, economics, law, politics or sociology. The workshop will take place at the University of Minho in November the 5th and 6th 2010 and will be be part of the more broad Conference on Democratic Theory Today–In Political Philosophy and Theory (November, 3-6th). The workshop is co-organized by the Universities of Minho (Portugal), Louvain (Belgium) and Barcelona (Spain). Convenors of the workshop are Axel Gosseries and Iñigo González Ricoy. See previous workshops here.

Corey Brettschneider (Brown University)
Andrés de Francisco (Complutense University of Madrid)
Iñigo González Ricoy (University of Barcelona)
Axel Gosseries (Chaire Hoover, UCL)
Robert Mayer (Loyola University Chicago)

A total of 6 papers will be accepted. To apply to participate, please send the following to axel.gosseries@uclouvain.be or to igonzalez@ub.edu: (1) your name, (2) title, (3) department and institution, (4) an abstract of your work (no more than 500 words), (5) five key words and (6) email address. Contributions from both philosophy and the social sciences are welcome. Deadline is May 15th 2010. A decision will be made by mid-June.

To be uploaded shortly.

The nearest airport to Braga is the Sá Carneiro International Airport in Porto, around 50 Km away from Braga. Bus lines number 604 and 600 take you from the airport to Porto centre (every 20 minutes). You can also take the Subway. Line E connects the airport to one of Porto’s Train Stations (Campanhã) and/ or the bus station (Trindade). From the centre of Porto you may take a bus or the train to Braga. Check it out in google maps.

Chaire Hoover d’éthique economique et sociale, Université Catholique de Louvain
Centro de Estudos Humanísticos, Universidade do Minho
Seminari de Filosofia Política, Universitat de Barcelona


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