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Business Ethics & Spirituality : 7th International Leadership Symposium | Philosophie et Management

Business Ethics & Spirituality : 7th International Leadership Symposium



18th – 19th November 2010
at the European Parliament Brussels & Hotel Hilton




“Trust is the breath of business, ethics its limbs, and to uplift the spirit, its goal.”

Sri Sri Ravi ShankarCo-Founder, World Forum for Ethics in Business


The International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business is an annual event which brings together leaders from business, politics, academia, civil society and faith-based organizations to dialogue on new leadership styles that support inclusive and sustainable development and ensure profitability for businesses. It provides a platform for leading minds to share their expe­riences and expertise on the value of an ethics-based approach to deal with today’s challenges in the global markets. It also examines the impact of this approach on the bottom line.

The International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business is an initiative of The World Fo­rum for Ethics and Business, a registered public interest foundation with the aim to pursue and

establish the indispensable ethical foundations of business in a globalized world.

The 2010 Conference is the seventh conference in the series, and the fifth to be held at the European Parliament.

The World Forum for Ethics in Business is organizing the 2010 Conference in cooperation with:

• International Association for Human Values (IAHV)

• The World Bank Institute.

The 2010 International Leadership Symposium

on Ethics in Business consists of two events:


18th – 19th November 2010

Conference on Ethics in Business in the European Parliament,

Brussels, Belgium


15th – 19th November 2010

Ethics in Business – CCS World Youth Forum



18th November 2010

17.00 – 19.00: Welcome and Inaugural Addresses

19.30: Welcome Dinner, Hilton Hotel Brussels

19th November 2009 – Venue: European Parliament, Brussels

09.00 – 10.00: Opening Session

10.00 – 13.00: Plenary Sessions

14.30 – 16.00: Workshops

16.00 – 16.30: Workshop Conclusions

17.00 – 17.30: Call of the Youth

17.30 – 18.00: Award Ceremony and Closing Session

20.00: Gala Dinner, Hilton Hotel Brussels


The Conference will address:

• The culture and leadership of successful organizations

• Human values as anchor to corporate social responsibility

• Emerging leadership and new management styles

• Learning from the crisis: the relationship between ethics and business

• Secrets of successful global leaders

• Pressing issues on the global agenda: further addressing the economic crisis,

climate change, corruption, and poverty


Leadership in the 21st Century – Time for a Paradigm Shift?!

The recent economic crisis has highlighted the challenge of establishing stability and growth in the face of global recession. It has also brought into focus the critical importance of the human dimension in leadership styles and strategies. In the turbulent and globalized corporate envi­ronment of increasing complexity, uncertainty and risk, traditional governance styles based on unrestricted risk- and profit-taking in corporate boardrooms seem to be giving way to new ap­proaches that are more responsive to broader societal interests.

Business and Human Values are often seen as two separate worlds. It is believed that those who are focusing on human values may not be competitive. Perhaps the world of business and the world of human values are no longer two separate worlds. Emphasizing human values may no longer be less competitive. Even with increased competition in business, there are very compelling reasons why ethics should not be compromised, and why ethics could in fact be a prerequisite to sustainable profitability.

This symposium seeks to examine whether business and ethics are complementary or contradic­tory, and explore new ways for business leaders to evolve leadership styles that are sustainable, yet profitable for their organizations.

This year’s conference will examine the need for a paradigm-shift: from motivation through salary perks to inspiration through shared vision and common values. In these most challenging times, is the focus on human values and ethics an indispensable key to overcoming the current crisis and avoiding future crises? Or is there no space for such an approach? What is the leader­ship style that can pave the way for a sustainable future?


The Conference will consider the following questions:

How can organizations implement an ethics-based approach to achieve long-term success, transform society and contribute to a better sense of community at the global level?

In the wake of the crisis, is globalization still beneficial to the society at large? In a new round of globalization, who are the winners and who are the losers? How can globalization serve as a means to distribute wealth in a more equitable way?

What is the role of the global player in addressing the basic needs of eradicating poverty, improving education and health systems, and dealing with unemployment and environmental degradation?

Is Corporate Social Responsibility nothing more than a cost center? What could be the redefined role of CSR in today‘s complex business environment?

What practices contribute to the highest executive and organizational performance?

Leaders share their secrets to sustainability and success!



Recognizing sustainable success

Announcement of Ethics in Business Award Winners 2010

The World Forum for Ethics in Business (WFEB) will present the 2010 Ethics in Business Award at the International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business. The WFEB Ethics in Business Award honors individuals and companies that have demonstrated the fundamental importance of human values and ethics in life and

in the business arena.


8th – 9th November 2006

About us

The World Forum for Ethics and Business is a public interest foundation (“fondation d’utilité publique” – N° 822.216.342) registered in Belgium. The mandate of the Forum includes all manner of pursuing and establishing the indispensable ethical foundations of business in a globalized world.


Provide a platform for the promotion and defence of ethical approaches to business enter­prise and corporate governance;

Facilitate global dialogue and foster cooperation among the private sector, the academic world, government agencies, international organisations, the media, spiritual as well as secular communities and all other stakeholders with the end in view of fostering decency, maximising human values and building wilder public trust in business;

Recruit the broadest possible support for trends, initiatives and projects that would encourage or enhance ethical and/or spiritual motivations, practices, norms and goals in the business world;

Assume responsibility for continuing the International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business.


regularly convene the International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business as well as other pertinent public forums and conferences ;

organise meetings, trainings and workshops, including leadership seminars and summits, for the benefit of relevant stakeholders, such as the World Youth Forum for young leaders;

undertake projects to raise awareness on the critical link between business and spirituality as well as human values ;

give public recognition and award prizes to outstanding individuals and companies for their exemplary work and service ;

raise funds and build resources in support of the mission and objectives of the foundation.

Cooperate and work closely with the International Association for Human Values to realize common aims and objectives


Mr. Nirj Deva, Member of the European Parliament

Mr. Jules Goudsmit, CEO Acropoles SA

Mr. Ram Lakhina, Founder and Executive President of The Netherlands India Chamber of Commerce and Trade

Ms. Erika Mann, Former Member of the European Parliament

Mr. Sanjay Pradhan, Vice-President the World Bank Institute, the World Bank

Mr. Madhu Rao, CEO Shangri-La Hotels

H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, International Association for Human Values

International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business

an initiative of

World Forum

for Ethics in Business

Avenue des Courses 16 (B11) • 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +49 7804 973-966 • Fax: +49 7804 973-967

E-Mail: info@wfeb.org



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