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Leadership Intensive | Philosophie et Management

Leadership Intensive

From Alia’s brochure :


Our strategy is simple: Bring together executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs who are implementing new ways of engaging people and resources to achieve more enlightened results. Convene this gathering in a retreat-like setting infused with intention, mindfulness, and creative sparks. Provide opportunities for deep-dive learning, high-level dialogue, spontaneous connections, and peer exchange.


Please join us for the second annual ALIA Europe Leadership Intensive, designed to accelerate learning, growth, alliances, and solutions among leaders committed to renewal in business and society.


This intensive builds on the success of the ALIA Institute’s acclaimed Summer Program, which has convened annually in Canada since 2001.


Where :

Mennorode Conference Centre

Elspeet, The Netherlands


Objectives :

  • Learn from leader-to-leader dialogues and CEO-hosted lunches.
  • Apply new thinking, lenses, and strategies to your current project or challenge in a small-group parallel track.
  • Expand your perspectives by engaging with diverse leaders from different parts of the globe
  • Renew your inspiration by engaging with like-minded peers.
  • Refresh and recharge by walking or cycling in the beautiful Veluwe forest.

For more information and to register




+ 902-425-0492 (Canada)


At a glance


  • Begin with a pre-program session led by Otto Scharmer, author of Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges, Tuesday, March 8, 14.00-17.00.
  • The Leadership Intensive launches on March 8 at 18.00 and ends on Saturday, March 12, at 16.00.
  • Six parallel tracks are designed and facilitated by world-class leadership faculty. Each track meets for 15 hours of in-depth learning and exchange. Choose your track at the time of registration.
  • A three-hour plenary track on the “Way of the Warrior: Cultivating Mindfulness and Fearless Compassion” introduces practical and timeless wisdom as it applies in a leadership context.
  • Artists-in-residence introduce creative activities and performances throughout the week.
  • The schedule is rounded out by keynote speakers, plenary dialogues, and smallgroup sessions with visiting executives and entrepreneurs who are bringing “authentic leadership into action” in diverse contexts from across Europe.

ALIA Europe is a partnership between ALIA Institute and Progressio Foundation.

For the past decade, the ALIA Institute based in Halifax, Canada, has been redefining leadership education. Its programs bring together new paradigm thinking and tools emerging from living systems and complexity theory with the deep and

rigorous understanding of mindfulness, authentic presence, and contemplative arts that runs through Buddhist and Shambhala traditions.

Progressio Foundation, based in the Netherlands, has been a catalyst for entrepreneurial solutions to human progress for over 20 years. Progressio has worked with UN agencies, governments, and public and private enterprises to promote

responsible leadership and sustainable societies in Europe and beyond.

Together, ALIA and Progressio bring unparalleled experience, competence, and worldwide networks to the critical challenge of amplifying and accelerating emerging trends towards more progressive and enlightened businesses and societies.

ALIA Europe welcomes other European and global partners and associates who are also committed to cultivating the leadership that will achieve this mission.


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