Surviving Progress
executive producer
Martin Scorsese
Wednesday 10 October at 7:00 PM
at the VUB – Auditorium QA – f r e e – Co-production: Ciné-ONU / Green Up Film Festival / VUB / UNEP
The screening will be followed by a debate with:
Isabelle Durant: European deputee, Vice-president of the European Parliament • Chris Vanden Bilcke: Head of UNEP’s Liaison Office to the EU in Brussels • Jeremy Wates: Head of the European Environmental Bureau • Laurent Ledoux: Head of the ASBL Philosophy & Managment
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Pleinlaan 2, Elsene • Boulevard de la Plaine 2, Ixelles, • Building Q, Auditorium QA.