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Bankrupting Nature, Denying Our Planetary Boundaries - Conférence by Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockström at the European Parliament | Philosophie et Management

Bankrupting Nature, Denying Our Planetary Boundaries – Conférence by Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockström at the European Parliament

Wednesday 5 December, 18.00-20.00

Book launch and cocktail European Parliament, Brussels

New book argues that only a radically-changed economic system can provide affordable, equitable and sustainable growth

Bankrupting Nature, Denying Our Planetary Boundaries by Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockström

In this ‘Report to the Club of Rome’ Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockström outline the planetary boundaries which will prevent the earthfrom supporting the current growth model and could destroy the entire global support system. 


At the same time authors show how it would be possible to reinvent growth that is affordable, equitable and sustainable, based on a radically-changed economic model, provided that there is the political will to carry it out.

Co-hosted by:

Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP (Finland, EPP)

Chris Davies MEP (UK, ALDE)

Jo Leinen MEP (Germany, S&D)

Isabella Lövin MEP (Sweden, Greens/EFA)

Struan Stevenson (UK, ECR)


In collaboration with the

Club of Rome EU Chapter (CoR-EU) Brussels


To register and for entry to the European Parliament please send an e-mail by 26 November with your full name, date of birth, organization, place of residence, nationality and passport/ID number to bjorn.hultin@gmail.com


When: Wednesday, 5 December 2012, 18:00 to 20.00

Where: Room P7C050, European Parliament, Brussels



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