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A Valentine's walkabout - Reflections on love, with philosophers Peter Harteloh and Lucie Antoniol (3 days - Vielsalm). | Philosophie et Management

A Valentine’s walkabout – Reflections on love, with philosophers Peter Harteloh and Lucie Antoniol (3 days – Vielsalm).

If the commercial hum-drum about Valentine’s day makes you sick 
and if you can’t stand the sight of another heart & arrow, 
then our philosophy seminar « 50 shades of Love » is just the thing for you. 
Together we shall demystify love & sex and seduction power games, and all that jazz.

Valentine’s Event  « 50 Shades of Love » – A philosophical walkabout. 
Dialogism a maintenant sa propre page sur Facebook. 

« Darkness cannot drive out darkness; 

only light can do that. 

Hate cannot drive out hate; 

only love can do that. »                     

Martin Luther King, Jr.



« 50 shades of Love »  (13 February 17.00 – 15 February 12.00)

A Valentine’s walkabout.    Reflections on love, with philosophers Peter Harteloh and Lucie Antoniol. 

Starting from a critical reading of E.L. James « 50 shades of grey » we will explore philosophical ideas on love.  

We will reflect on its sources with the help of authors like Bataille, De Beauvoir, Nietzsche and Sade,  

and discover a new form of love in the works of Plato. Platonic love is an idea that has been misunderstood  

and neglected by philosophers and psychologists. We call it the fourth form of love. 

We will philosophize in a practical participative and creative way, using the Socratic method. The seminar will deepen your ideas about love. 
It will help you make explicit what you know implicitly. 
You will come to new insights or see old stories in a new light. 

At Dolesca Park Hotel good food and inspiring landscapes are at hand. 
The Ardennes will provide the 50 shades of grey. 
If the commercial hum-drum about Valentine’s day makes you sick 

and if you can’t stand the sight of another heart & arrow, then do something different : our practical philosophy games in « 50 shades of Love » are just the thing for you. Together we shall demystify love & sex and seduction power games, and all that jazz.

The mid-week seminar (Wednesday evening -Thursday all day -Friday morning) comprises:
Two nights in Dolesca Park Hotel with full board including 

a special four-courses Valentine’s dinner on Thursday the 14th of February.
Lectures, seminars, workshops, and a philosophical walk 

animated by a tandem of philosophy consultants.
Film evening on the night of Wednesday 13th or Thursday 14th of February. 

Budget : 
300 € per participant. 
Minimum 6, maximum 14 participants. 
Possibility of non-residential participation (meals and workshops only) for 200€.

Students rates : take contact with Dialogism.

Where ?
Dolesca Park Hotel, 3, Baraque de Fraiture, B-6690 Vielsalm, Belgium. 

Booking office : Dialogism      lucie.antoniol@gmail.com
tel +3284457753                       gsm +32 495 40 69 94


« 50 shades of Love »  



(13 February 17.00 – 15 February 12.00)

A Valentine’s walkabout.   



Reflections on love, with philosophy consultants

Dr. Peter Harteloh and Dr. Lucie Antoniol. 



If the commercial hum-drum about Valentine’s day makes you sick and if you can’t stand the sight of another heart & arrow, then do something different: our practical philosophy games in « 50 shades of Love » are just the thing for you. Together we shall demystify love & sex and seduction power games, and all that jazz.



Budget : 
300 € per participant (incl. two hotel nights and three meals). 
Minimum 6, maximum 14 participants
Possibility of non-residential participation (meals and workshops only) for 200€.

Participation on a tight budget : philosophy workshops and lunch only for 100€

Students rates : take contact with Dialogism.

Where ?
Dolesca Park Hotel, 3, Baraque de Fraiture, B-6690 Vielsalm, Belgium. 

Booking office : Dialogism     


tel +3284457753                       gsm +32 495 40 69 94


Visit the facebook pages of Dialogism or the event page 50 shades of Love


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