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The Online initiative - Concept Reengineering: rethinking public spaces in the digital transition - Débate organisé par la Commission Européenne (Nicole Dewandre | Philosophie et Management

The Online initiative – Concept Reengineering: rethinking public spaces in the digital transition – Débate organisé par la Commission Européenne (Nicole Dewandre

The Onlife Initiative


Concept Reengineering: rethinking public spaces in the digital transition

The deployment of ICTs and their uptake by society affects radically the human condition by modifying our relationships to ourselves, to others and to the world around us.

The increasing pervasiveness of ICTs upsets established reference frameworks and blurs the boundaries between real and virtual, shifting the primacy from entities to connections & information.

Concept reengineering puts us in the best position to reflect meaningfully on what is happening to us, and thereby helps us envision the future in positive terms. Fear of the new or rejection of the unknown can be overcome by better understanding of the concepts we are dealing with. The « Onlife initiative » aims to help us better understand these concepts.

If you wish to share your thoughts with us, please join the debate!

Onlife Web Output

Recordings – Feb 8, 2013 : 9.30-12.45 and 16.00-17.30
The web output is made of the Onlife Manifesto and contributions form all Onlife members ranging from hyperconnectivity to public spaces through selfhood and governance issues.
All this is accessible through a graphical menu.
All are invited to engage with this content through Futurium. It is also possible to propose workshops; those interested to do so are invited to send an email to Nicole Dewandre.


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