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Innovating for shared value - Workshop with Marc Pfitzer | Philosophie et Management

Innovating for shared value – Workshop with Marc Pfitzer


La Ligue des Optimistes, 1, Avenue Alfred Solvay – 1170 Watermael-Boisfort (big art-nouveau house with the statue of a panther in front of the door; in front of the church across the avenue; easy parking next to the church).


08:00 à 12:00.


The workshop will be in English


Marc Pfitzer is Director of the consultancy firm FSG (Michael Porter) in Europe and author of an article recently published in HBR « Innovating for Shared Value ». Two years ago, Michaël Porter and Mark Kramer proposed the concept of shared value to replace shareholder value in a famous article published in HBR.  


The concept of Shared Value will be introduced during the session on the 16th, the evening before. 


The workshop on the 17th  will run from 08:00 – 12:00 and will focus more on identifying and implementing a Shared Value initiative within an organization.


The workshop will pursue two objectives :

1. Deepening one’s knowledge of shared value concepts and frameworks

2. Learning how to identify shared value opportunities within your organization


The workshop will be divided into three parts:



– FSG’s Shared Value Journey

– Shared Value awareness in Belgium


Experiences Creating Shared Value

– FSG Case Studies of organizations that have adopted Shared Value already


The Shared Value Landscape

– Identifying and understanding SV opportunities within your organization


This will be a great workshop : don’t miss it.


For more info, call Laurent Ledoux at 0478 62 14 20


Aucun orateur associé.


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