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Should we get rid of CSR - Annual Conference of the Philippe de Woot Price | Philosophie et Management

Should we get rid of CSR – Annual Conference of the Philippe de Woot Price

CSR seminar on « Should we get rid of CSR ? »


Professor Alain Delchambre,
President of ULB,

Professor Didier Viviers,
Rector of ULB,

Professor Bruno van Pottelsberghe,
Dean of Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

The participating Schools
The Organisation Committee of the Philippe de Woot Award
and the Louvain Foundation
The Corporate, Institutional and Private Donors


Have the pleasure to invite you to the
3rd Philippe de Woot Award ceremony
for the best Master’s Thesis on Corporate Social Responsibility

FEBRUARY 18, 2014
from 18.00
at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
Campus du Solbosch
50, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles
Buidling K, Room 1.105

More info on access and parkings
(please print this email to access the parking)


February 18, 9.30 – 17.00


9.30 – 10.00           Welcome


10.00 – 10.15          Introduction of the speakers

By Valérie Swaen (Université catholique de Louvain)


10.15 – 10.45          The loneliness of the CSR manager

                               By Marie d’Huart and Serge De Backer (CAP Conseil)


10.45 – 11.15           The problem with Corporate Social Responsibility

                               By Bobby Banerjee (Cass Business School)


11.15 – 11.45           From CSR to collaborative enterprise

                               By Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University)


11.45 – 12.45          Debate with the audience 


12.45 – 13.45          Lunch time


13.45 – 14.15          Valuing Non-Financial Performance

                               By Bruno Roche (Catalyst)


14.15 – 14.45          Integrated performance and Social Innovation

                               By Stefan Crets (CSR Europe) 


14.45 – 15.15          The Éternel Retour of Corporate Social Responsibility 

                               By Jean-Pascal Gond (Cass Business School)


15.15 – 16.15           Debate with the audience


16.15 – 16.45          Conclusive comments – Laurent Ledoux


16.45 – 17.00          Closing drink


Place :


Room 42.5.503

Building 42

Solvay Brussels School

42 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt

1050 Brussels



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