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How to change the world whilst keeping your day job. Employee engagement with sustainable business by Nadine Exter | Philosophie et Management

How to change the world whilst keeping your day job. Employee engagement with sustainable business by Nadine Exter


Wednesday 9 December 2014 from 12:30 to 15:30

A joint event with the Club of Rome EU Chapter

How to change the world whilst keeping your day job

Employee engagement with sustainable business
by Nadine Exter

Head of Business Development – Doughty Centre, Cranfield

With over a decade of experience in marketing and communications, stakeholder engagement and partnership brokering, both in-house and as a consultant, Nadine has also co-founded a successful SME, advised on change management in the public sector, and ran learning networks between public and private sectors. In 2008 she completed her MBA at Cranfield, where she focused on the triggers and barriers for organisations being responsible and sustainable.

Nadine now focuses on developing opportunities and partnerships, advice giving, sponsored research and shared learning with organisations on the journey to be sustainable. She researches, writes and advises on the role of employees in creating sustainable business, embedding CR into the organisation, effective marketing and communications for CR, and driving cultural change in organisations. She is interested in the unique cultural characteristics that enable successful sustainable organisations, and her latest paper explores how organisational culture can be harnessed for sustainable success.

Nadine’s publications include How to build a CR champions network ; Engaging employees in CR, communicating with stakeholders in a joint Doughty Centre/Ogilvy e-book, a joint 2011 report with BITC on the business case for being a responsible business, co-editor on Cranfield on Corporate Sustainability, and a 2013 book published by Routledge looking in-depth at engaging employees in sustainable business.

Business & Society has the pleasure to welcome Nadine Exter to its end-of-the-year ceremony where she will talk about ‘Employee Engagement’. This special event is organized in collaboration with the Club of Rome EU Chapter.

Venue :
Rubens Auditorium, Royal Academy of Belgium, entrance D, Hertogstraat 1 rue Ducale, 1000 Brussels. Doors open at 12:00.
Buffet luncheon with sandwiches and drinks from 12:30 to 13:30 included in price for participation.

Registration :
Attendance only for members. Prior registration and payment per bank transfer before 5 December is compulsory.
Members CoR-EU : 30 € BE16 7470 0377 8074 BIC : KREDBEEBB

Click here to register.


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