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The triumph of emptiness. Grandiosity and marginalization of reality in corporate life - Conference with Mats Alvesson from Lünd University (Sweden) | Philosophie et Management

The triumph of emptiness. Grandiosity and marginalization of reality in corporate life – Conference with Mats Alvesson from Lünd University (Sweden)

The Enterprise, Innovation & Sustainable Development Circle *
of the Foundation for Future Generations, HEC-ULg, GRE-Liège and UWEL
have the pleasure to invite you to:

The triumph of emptiness.
Grandiosity and marginalization of reality
in corporate life.

Conference of Prof. Mats Alvesson (Lünd University, Sweden)

Tuesday 16 December 2014, 6 p.m., Liège

In order to meet the various challenges of current times (circular economy, industrial ecology…), our business practices must change and become more sustainable.
Will the management methods that we currently apply and teach make such a change possible? “No”, answers Mats Alvesson. His analysis shows how far our companies’ daily life appears to be from the surrounding reality and his contribution constitutes a salutary step backwards in our disturbed times.

This invitation-only conference is geared toward CEOs, top executives and Presidents.

Translation into French will be provided.

Register to the conference:

Registration is required (seats are limited). Register now!



Mats Alvesson (1956) is a Swedish professor of business administration at Lünd University (Sweden) and at University of Queensland Business School (Australia), whose research spans the fields of organization and leadership studies. He is particularly known for having made key contributions in forming the field of critical management studies.

He has published 20 books with leading publishers and hundreds of articles. The Triumph of Emptiness (Oxford University Press) has been published in 2013.



Welcome drink


Welcome speeches:


Benoît Derenne, CEO of the Foundation for Future Generations
Wilfried Niessen, General Director and Dean, HEC-Management School of the University of Liège
Jacques Pélerin, GRE – UWEL – Member of the Foundation’s CEOs Circle


Conference of Prof. Mats Alvesson (Lünd University)
Reactions from Prof. Sybille Mertens (HEC-ULg)


Discussion tables and questions from the public to Mats Alvesson


Walking dinner




Château de Colonster
University of Liège (Sart Tilman)
Allée des Erables – 4000 Liège
Free parking


Foundation for Future Generations
rue des Brasseurs, 182 – 5000 Namur
081 22 60 62


The Enterprise, Innovation & Sustainable Development Circle* of the Foundation for Future Generations is a peer learning group of entrepreneurs who exchange on solutions to advance the business community along the transition towards a sustainable economy. It has existed since 2012 and brings together senior CEOs and younger entrepreneurs from Wallonia and Brussels, who come from a wide range of economic sectors and business sizes.

The Foundation for Future Generations is a public benefit foundation that supports and develops initiatives that aim to provide sustainable solutions, good for both the planet and its inhabitants, through new practices and ways of thinking.

The Academy for Social Entrepreneurs @HEC-ULg gathers the training, support and networking activities for social entrepreneurs, which are carried out by the Centre for Social Economy, HEC Management School, University of Liege.

GRE-Liège : Groupement de Redéploiement Economique – Liège.

UWEL : Union Wallonne des Entreprises de Liège.

An initative of:



with the support of:


in collaboration with:


officially supported by:

* The Circle members: Rachida Aziz (Azira), Jean-François Baele (Domaine du Ry d’Argent), Loïc Bar (The Smart Company), Francis Blake (Derbigum), René Branders (Four Industriel Belge), Olivier Chapelle (Recticel), Benoît Coppée (InvestSud/Foire de Libramont), Jacques Crahay (Warcoing-Cosucra), Marie d’Huart (Cap Conseil), Serge De Backer (Cap Conseil), Christian Fosseur (Velux Belgium), Dorothée Goffin (Imonic), Isabelle Hamburger (Vervloet), Jérôme Kervyn de Meerendré (Greenwatch), Marcel Miller (Alstom Belgium), Laurent Minguet (Invest Minguet Gestion), Gilles Morin (Kings of Comedy), Pierre Mottet (IBA), Jacques Pélerin (GRE), Frédéric Rouvez (Exki), Jean-Noël et Anne Tilman (Tilman), Valérie Urbain (Euroclear).

Register to the conference:

Registration is required (seats are limited). Register now!


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