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Fast Track 2015: Perseverance - Cycle of conferences by Lead-In for Upcoming leaders | Philosophie et Management

Fast Track 2015: Perseverance – Cycle of conferences by Lead-In for Upcoming leaders


LEAD-IN Upcoming Leaders invite you to

Fast Track 2015: Perseverance

Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport, Diegem


In 2012, we boosted your confidence and taught you how to give a good presentation. In 2013, we gave you all the necessary tools to negotiate and convince people of your project. In 2014, we got to business — because running a business takes hard work; no guts, no glory.

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance… Unless you have a lot of passion about this, you’re not going to survive. You’re going to give it up. So you’ve got to have an idea, or a problem or a wrong that you want to right that you’re passionate about; otherwise, you’re not going to have the perseverance to stick it through.”

—Steve Jobs

In 2015, we’ll be searching for our ability to persevere. Because running a business is making decisions and persist. Many failures are due to the fact that one didn’t realize how close success was when giving up. Our motto: « Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall”— success starts at the point where others give up and you keep going. We’ll give you the pep talk to persevere. How can I keep the course to success? How do I find the courage to keep going, even when everything is going against you? How do I keep believing when everyone says it’s a lost cause? How do I find the energy when the success is so overwhelming that it’s almost too hard to handle?

In this new Fast Track session, we present 6 top-class speakers:





Hans Donckers , Owner @ Mingle Consult + Professional Faculty @Antwerp Management School (The Future Leadership Initiative)

“Walk the talk, practice what you preach” — Donckers started his career as researcher at UGent and soon made the switch-over to HR consultancy. Leadership is a journey that isn’t mapped out beforehand. Storytelling to him is: for one thing, telling a story that inspires people, giving energy to go for it and push through when the road gets rough; on the other, writing a story in which you’ll find motivation and determination.



Bart Van Coppenolle, Founder & CEO Right Brain / Bhaalu (@CoppenolleB)
“You’re crazy to cut across Telenet and Belgacom!” — Bhaalu is a free video recorder ‘in the cloud’, that allows consumers to record and watch programs anytime & anyplace. The downside? The Flemish channels aren’t so thrilled and think Bhaalu needs to pay royalties. Recently, the court backed them up and gave Bhaalu the stamp ‘illegal’. But Bart is pushing through and is taking his case to a higher court. To be continued…



Arnoud Raskin, CEO Mobile School + StreetwiZe (@ArnoudRaskin)
“Less is more” — Arnoud has been working with street kids around the world for over 15 years, an experience that opened his eyes to the potential of these kids and allowed him to see how the survival skills they use every single day could be an inspiration to many managers. It’s from this point of view that ‘StreetwiZe’ was born: a model that transfers the insights and skills from the streets to the companies of tomorrow.



Wouter Verschelden, Founder Newsmonkey (@WoVerschelden)
“Monkey See, Monkey Do” — For many years, Wouter worked at De Standaard and De Morgen. Now, he’s publisher at Newsmonkey. According to him, social media are the channels that will spread the news; no ordinary vision that made many people frown. He pushed aside reactions like « News on the internet? There’s no money in that!” to push through his vision.


Mystery Guest



De Managers Marathon Club (@MMCBelgium)
“We manage you from 0 to 42,195 km!” — Running the magical distance of 42,195 kilometers is for many the ultimate dream. For over 20 years, the Managers Marathon Club coaches busy managers to fulfill their marathon ambitions. A marathon is not only a physical, but also a mental test. And how can you transfer this experience to your job as a manager?

Member (LEAD-IN/JCI/FBS): € 250 (VAT incl.)
Non-member: € 450 (VAT incl.)

This fee covers all 6 sessions. It’s not possible to enroll for just one (or several) session(s). If you register for the first session, you are automatically registered for the entire fast track.

Remember, the 2015 membership fee for Upcoming Leaders (until 35 y.o.) is only € 135 (VAT excl.). So become a member before enrolling in the Fast Track!

Date & hour

Thursday 22 January 2015
18h00 – 21h00 + networking drink


Free parking available in Da Vincilaan in front of the hotel!
Easily reachable by train.

Organized by Upcoming Leaders


Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport

Da Vincilaan 4



Info: http://www.vma-be.org/



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