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Old version : Danah Zohar : Séance 9 du cycle PhiloMa 2014-2015 | Philosophie et Management

Old version : Danah Zohar : Séance 9 du cycle PhiloMa 2014-2015

Séance 9  – “Créer”



According to Danah Zohar, Spiritual intelligence (SQ), spiritual capital, and sustainability are crucially linked. SQ is the intelligence that we access to define our life purpose and search for meaning. Therefore, spiritual capital reflects a leader’s or an organization’s spiritual intelligence because it reflects what it exists for, believes in, aspires to, and takes responsibility for. Thus a leader’s level of spiritual intelligence (SQ) has a direct impact on the spiritual capital generated. So, is spirituals capital’s wealth of meaning, values and higher motivation necessary for sustainable capitalism and sustainable society? If so, how can it grow? How can it help generate the transformations and innovations we need?
Cette séance sera suivie d’un atelier avec Mohammed Taleb en mai 2015.
Date: Mai 2015 – A confirmer


Lieu: La Librairie UOPC

Avenue Gustave Demey, 14-16  – B-1160 Auderghem

Métro : Herrmann-Debroux – Tel: 02/648 9689

Parking : le long de la librairie, en face ou devant Carrefour/Brico


Horaires: 19:15 – 22:30

– Accueil : 18:45
– Interventions des orateurs : 19:15
– Break/Collation : vers 21:00, précédé d’une moment musical avec Jean-Paul Dessy


Inscriptions & Participation aux frais : http://www.regonweb.eu/Registration.aspx?EventID=285



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