The Next Scientific Revolution – new book by Marc Van der Erve

  07.04.2013   |     Nature, Paradigm shift, Sciences
   Livres & Articles

A highly complex yet compelling treatise. An intriguing scientific discourse which suggests that the way humankind understands the natural world may soon undergo a paradigm shift toward behavioral explanations.

Kirkus Reviews


Kirkus Reviews’ full review here


Book summary


There are numerous ways to view our world but, on the whole, we view our world as a “material” phenomenon. To explain our experience of thought, many believe that our material world is accompanied by a spiritual world. For thousands of years, this tandem determined what we think and do. But what if we are wrong? What if our world is not what we think it is?
There are good reasons to believe that this is so. Faint but fundamental findings have popped up in the world of science, findings that are like dots in a puzzle. Connect these dots in a certain way and a novel picture of reality appears, a picture so familiar, yet so different that it will deeply affect the way we interpret our world, if true. Because “reality” is involved, this picture could give new impetus to scientific research as much as it could inspire leaders to rethink their role.
This book is not an essay of philosophy but a practical analysis of developments across the natural and social sciences. It explains how the established system of ideas at the heart of the current worldview may be making way for a new system,
a new “paradigm”, if you like, that will dictate how we see, study, and manage our world in future.


About the author:


Effective scientific research begins before acquiring answers to questions
What are the fundamental entities of which the universe is composed? How do these interact with each other and the senses?
Thomas Kuhn


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