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Zohar Danah | Philosophie et Management


Zohar Danah

Danah Zohar is a management thought leader, physicist, philosopher and author. Her best-selling books include Spiritual Capital: Wealth We Can Live By and SQ – Spiritual Intelligence, The Ultimate Intelligence, which constitute ground-breaking work on SQ, spiritual intelligence and spiritual capital; ReWiring the Corporate Brain, The Quantum Society and The Quantum Self, previous work which extends the language and principles of quantum physics into a new understanding of human consciousness, psychology and social organization, particularly the organization of companies.


Danah regularly speaks at leadership forums and works with corporate leadership teams worldwide. She has worked with the leadership initiatives of both local and national governments. She established The Oxford Academy of Total Intelligence as an educational centre and consultancy, with a mission to create a sustainable future for society through the development of corporate and organizational leadership, purpose and motivation.


Danah Zohar is currently writing a new book, Total Intelligence: Achieving Lifelong Peak Performance, which aims to be the culmination of her life’s work.

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