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3rd BE Happiness Day - Projection du film "Le bonheur au travail" (Brussels) | Philosophie et Management

3rd BE Happiness Day – Projection du film « Le bonheur au travail » (Brussels)

Proudly powered by Peoplesphere and Happyformance, with the support of RTBF, Proximus

On March 20, we celebrate the 3rd BE Happiness Day. In a gloomy economy, the principle of Happiness at Work can make sceptics smile. Nevertheless more and more top managers are convinced that this positive business management deliver more sustainable profits for the company, higher customer loyalty and deeper wellness for the employees.

Happiness at Work : the next management discipline?

On March 19 evening, find out how Belgian Ministries, Harley Davidson, Gore, HLC, Favi and many more have developed their strategy of Happiness at Work. You will have the opportunity to discover the documentary (fr/en) of Martin Meissonnier, co-produced by RTBF and Arte. Then let’s debate with the director and engaged top managers (e.g. Laurent Ledoux from FPS Mobility & Transports, Frank Van Massenhove from FPS Social Security).



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