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Being leader - 4 day retreat in Switzerland (Caux) organized by Mark Vandeneijnde | Philosophie et Management

Being leader – 4 day retreat in Switzerland (Caux) organized by Mark Vandeneijnde

We are very excited about the launch of our 4-day BEING Leader retreat this coming May, and hope that you will consider joining us. This event is open to anyone who feels called to make a difference and is ready to explore what that may look like in the context of their life today. It is co-organized and hosted by Caux, Initiatives of Change in their beautiful Villa Maria facility near Montreux, overlooking Lake Geneva.


The attached flyer provides more details regarding the program, dates & costs. You can also visit our website at www.beingatfullpotential.com for more information on who we are and how the BEING Leader program fits into the overall vision of BEING at Full Potential. Of course I am also available to respond directly to any questions or concerns you might have.


In case this does not speak to you directly, we would be very grateful if you could pass the invitation on to anyone else who may benefit from such an event.


We look forward to hearing from you and growing together into our greatest potential!


Warm regards,




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