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Conference on Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy, at the Initiatives of Change centre in Caux, Switzerland | Philosophie et Management

Conference on Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy, at the Initiatives of Change centre in Caux, Switzerland

This is a warm invitation for you to attend the very special conference on Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy, at the Initiatives of Change centre in Caux, Switzerland from 13 to 19 July 2013.


A special feature of this year’s conference will be the ‘Heart of Effective Leadership’ (HEL) programme which business leaders associated with the Tata Corporation, Siemens and other large companies in India will bring to Switzerland.


Recently they have delivered this ethical leadership training programme to senior executives, middle managers and union leaders from many large Indian companies and Government Departments. Now it will be a chance for you meet with their leadership team in the delightful ambience of the Swiss Alpine village of Caux, high above Montreux, overlooking Lake Geneva


The conference begins on Saturday afternoon, July13 and runs through till lunchtime on 19 July. It is not necessary to stay for the whole programme although most people find the while atmosphere both stimulating and relaxing. It is also a genuinely global gathering.


The Heart of Effective Leadership course runs for five consecutive days each afternoon from 14 July to 18 July.


Kofi Annan, former UN Sec General, will be present and delivering a keynote speech on July 19.


The cost is a (subsidised by Caux Foundation) reasonable CHF 92 for accommodation, meals etc per person per day

There is also a one off registration fee of CHF 100.


Further details (programme, accommodation, travel, etc) and the registration form are on the Caux website: http://www.caux.iofc.org/


From Geneva Airport the train leaves directly to Montreux (1.5 hrs) and then there is half hourly service by mountain railway (funicular) to Caux itself (20 mins.


This journey is spectacular and you will arrive 200 yards from Mountain House, the conference venue.


For more info:

Michael Smith

Head of Business Programmes

Initiatives of Change UK

24 Greencoat Place

London SW1P 1RD

Tel: +44 20 7798 6000





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