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Creative Common: the power of the open | Philosophie et Management

Creative Common: the power of the open





The Power of Open: Stories of Creative Commons success


Since last fall, we’ve been talking at length to various creators about their CC stories–the impact Creative Commons has had on their lives and in their respective fields, whether that’s in art, education, science, or industry. We are thrilled to announce that we have cultivated the most compelling of these stories and woven them together into a book called The Power of Open. The stories in The Power of Open demonstrate the breadth of CC uses across fields and the creativity of the individuals and organizations that have chosen to share their work via Creative Commons licenses and tools. The Power of Open is available for free download under the CC Attribution license. It is available in several languages, with more translated versions to come. You can also order hard copies from Lulu. We hope that it inspires you to examine and embrace the practice of open licensing so that your contributions to the global intellectual commons can provide their greatest benefit to all people. » But that’s not all–The Power of Open is launching with events around the world!


The official launch is June 29 at The New America Foundation in Washington D.C., featuring Global Voices Online and IntraHealth, with CC CEO Cathy Casserly representing for staff.


Additionally, the first event already took place on June 16 in Tokyo, Japan, with Creative Commons Chairperson Joi Ito introducing the book to the Asia/Pacific region. For the full list of events taking place in Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, London, and Paris, head on over to the thepowerofopen.org.


et un autre de TED Talks:


A common theme among many CC users is the importance of spreading ideas: as TED executive June Cohen says, “When we decided to open our library, we had one single goal: to spread ideas.”


“Sharing online was a very controversial decision. People feared it would capsize our business,

discourage people from paying for our conference, and be rejected by speakers.

“The first year after releasing videos of talks for free, we raised the cost of the conference by 50

percent and sold out in one week with a 1,000 person waiting list,” Cohen says. “Not only do

speakers lobby for the talks to be posted as soon as possible, but paying conference participants are

anxious to share talks they just heard with family, friends and colleagues.”

TED Talks featuring Swedish medical doctor and statistician Hans Rosling and his presentations on

developing countries show how CC licenses can popularize a subject. “Hans told me that posting his

“rst TED Talk online did more to impact his career than all of the other things he had done

previously,” Cohen says. “It opened up a whole new world for him.”


ou encore un autre copié du livre:


“I’ve never had more money

coming at me than when I

started using Creative

Commons BY-SA. I have a

higher profile. I don’t spend

anything on promotion.

My fans are doing it for me

and buying merchandise.

Sharing put me on the map.”


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