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How can I influence my work and world ? EBBF International learning event in London | Philosophie et Management

How can I influence my work and world ? EBBF International learning event in London

ebbf international learning event
9th to 11th of May in London:
how can I influence my work and world ?« 
(only 49 places left!)


Make sure you book your place for the next ebbf international learning event in London,  which sold out last year, registrations are accepted on a strictly first come, first served basis.

Find our more:    click to the MAKE IT MEANINGFUL event website


Fwd by Daniel Schaubacher,  Representative to European Institutions


347/8 avenue Louise, B 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: 02 649 99 28  Mob : 0478 87 29 29

ebbf@skynet.be   Tw: @DSchaubacher

Visit www.ebbf.org    http://makeitmeaningful.org


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