
Leadership & Objectivité – Atelier avec Surya Tahora

 A Workshop based on realities expounded by ancient Indian Wisdom

The success of any organization depends upon the extent to which the leaders are in touch with certain realities of existence. When the business leader is alive to what is, there is no coloring involved in assessing the complex and changing situations he is confronted with everyday. His vision, short and long term goals, his relating to people within the organization, his decisions and actions are then based upon this appreciation of realities and not upon some distorted view.  A broader and more objective vision of realities will lead him to success in business and fulfillment in personal life.


This program is based on certain realities expounded by Indian Philosophy and meant to assist the leaders to enhance their framework of objectivity within a management context.



Surya will be accompanied by his wife Neema and by Xavier Bertrand, an alumni from ESSEC Business School (Paris) and former CEO of Chanel in India. He has lived for the past 15 years in India where he has been actively studying Vedanta.

Special Features


The workshop includes morning and afternoon sessions on Indian wisdom. The sessions are interactive, engaging participants in group discussions and presentations. Case studies drawn from personal and work situations, role plays and videos are utilized. Early morning and evening practices of breathing (pranayama), meditation and meditative movements are also included.



At the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Understand how everything is interconnected within a larger whole and analyze its implications in terms of ones responsibility in society as a leader
  • See intimately the existence of the order of dharma, the matrix of universal ethical values and and how it can be part of decision making process in organizations  
  • Gain insights and skills to recognize ones areas of subjectivity
  • Become more objective by overcoming distorted thinking and appropriately responding to situations.
  • Cultivate qualities that lead to open, constructive and meaningful interactions with people (colleagues, family, friends etc.) and discover different impediments to relating to people .
  • Learn practices that makes one a more centered and grounded individual  operating from greater relaxation and point of creativity.  

This workshop will consist of 6 modules based on certain realities expounded by Indian Philosophy. It is meant to assist the leaders in enhancing their framework of objectivity within a management context. The sessions will be interactive, engaging participants in group discussions and presentations. They will make use of real case studies drawn from corporate world, role plays and videos. What are these realities of existence that we must incorporate in our understanding?

  • Reality 1: Everything is interconnected or interrelated within a larger whole. There are underlying structures, patterns or laws which govern how the different parts relate to each other in the universe. Business organizations also are part of a greater system. The module 1 shows how a wider perspective based on interconnectedness can help leaders address complex situations more adequately rather than focusing on symptomatic or narrow measures. It also shows the implications of interconnectedness for the organizations to assume larger responsibilities for the benefit of society. 
  • Reality 2: There is an order of dharma, the matrix of universal ethical values, which is the basis of all human interactions, including in a business environment. The module 2 focuses on how dharma can be the foundation of our decision making and how it is imperative for leaders to take into account the consequences of their actions on multiple stakeholders within and outside their organizations.
  • Reality 3: The results of our actions are governed by laws of cause and effect which run well beyond our known horizon of space and time. Thus, at a given point of time, we can not control totally the outcome of our actions. The module 3 analyzes in detail the dynamics that govern the result of their activities and present the ways in which this fact can be incorporated in organizations. 
  • Reality 4: We are all operating from some amount of subjectivity. The modules 4 to 6 give us insights and skills to examine our own subjectivity in number of areas in order to handle our distorted views of people, situations and objects, and become effective and objective leaders. The module 4 presents a definition of objectivity and subjectivity; makes us understand the modes of subjectivity with the help of the model of mind according to Indian Philosophy; and finally unfolds the ways to master and process our subjectivities.
  • Reality 5: We cannot but relate to people. However, personal relationships are often source of challenges and conflict. The module 5 enables us to see intimately how our subjectivity manifests without our recognition and consent when we relate to people. It makes us aware of the different impediments to our relating to people (colleagues, family, friends etc.) and assists us to cultivate qualities that lead to open, constructive and meaningful interactions.
  • Reality 6: We can discover a deeper and more centered level of ourselves. The module 6 presents practices to transform and reorient ourselves at a deeper level. Participants are initiated into oriental practices such meditation, breathing and the slow flowing movements of Tai Chi, which have well documented tangible results. In the long run, these practices combined with the insights given in the previous modules help us grow to be dynamic, efficient, centered-individuals who operate from depth and objectivity in all situations. 

Note: only 5 realities were finally discussed during the workshop. Reality 5 (relating to people) was not discussed.



                                    Surya, Laurent & Neema

When: May 24 till 25th 2013 – from 10:15 till 17:00

Note you can register for one day only. But please let us know in advance so that we can properly organize. For those who want, possibility to participate also to :

Meditation and breathing exercises are from 09:15 am to 10:15. In order to avoid traffic, you can join us for a breakfast before that (we’ll be there at 08:15). It is however important to be there by 09:15 if you want to join the meditation and breathing exercices. If you can’t make it by 09:15, then join us at 10:15. 

Meditative movements from 17:00 to 18:00.



Ligue des Optimistes

Av. Alfred Solvay, 1 à 1170 Watermael-Boisfort (Brussels)



here (Price: you will give what you think is fair)


Clothes & Zafus

Come with relax clothes.

If you have a zafu, bring it with you.

If you want to sit on a chair, it is fine too.





Videos viewed and discussed during the workshop
The tree – Lead in India: « Adaptive leadership » video
Creating shared value: video of Michael Porter


Lien vers le site qui comporte une liste des distorsions cognitives les plus courantes


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