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Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony - Universiteit Antwerpen | Philosophie et Management

Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony – Universiteit Antwerpen

On behalf of the academic partners, the organization committee, the corporate, institutional and private sponsors of the Philippe de Woot Award, we are pleased to invite you to the 2016 Philippe de Woot Award ceremony.


This year our goal is to inspire young & old and to make sustainability a priority!


The event will focus on the theme: Creativity: Engine to Sustainability.


Daan Roosegaarde who designed the world’s fi rst smog fi ltering tower will excite us during his keynote address;

his presentations, fi lled with photos and movies of his interactive visions, will stimulate our imagination and bring some food for thought. How can we take sustainability to another level?


This will be followed by the award ceremony of the Philippe de Woot Award where we will present the winner of the 2016 Philippe de Woot Award and recognize him/her for his outstanding work on sustainability. The event will take place on February 29th, 2016 during the international week organized by the University of Antwerp.


Join us for the sustainability event of the year where students, CSR experts, business leaders, captains of industry, education experts come together on one platform for a sustainable future.


The program


19:00 – 19:30

Registration Open

19:30 – 19:45

Paul Matthyssens
Dean, Antwerp Management School

19:45 – 19:50

Video testimonial about the award and the importance of CSR

19:50 – 20:10

Some Inspiring Thoughts
Prof. Dr. Philippe De Woot,
Founder of The Philippe de Woot Award

20: 10 – 21:00

Keynote address
Creativity: Engine to Sustainability
Daan Roosegaarde, Artist and Innovator

21:00 – 21:30

Award Ceremony
We announce the runner up and winner of the 2016 Philippe de Woot Award
Best Master Thesis in Corporate Social Responsibility

21:30 – 22:30

Networking Reception


Practical Information


Date: 29 February 2016

19:00 – 22:30


Universiteit Antwerpen,

Aula Rector Dhanis,

Kleine Kauwenberg 14-22

2000 Antwerpen


Registration is free of charge.


Please register online: (before 15 February 2016)



Or contact:

Emmanuelle Duval

t +32 3 265 46 99



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