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The Challenges of Moral Leadership - ILE Conference in Leuven | Philosophie et Management

The Challenges of Moral Leadership – ILE Conference in Leuven

We warmly welcome you to our study day « The Challenges of Moral Leadership » on the 9th May 2014. This is a full day conference that features three plenary sessions as well as parallel presentations. There will also be time for discussion and networking.


For more information, please refer to the attached invite. You can sign up on this link: http://fd7.formdesk.com/etfvzw/ILE_registration


Kind regards – Peirong Lin

ILE Coordinator



What is it about leadership that makes being a moral leader such a challenge? Why do leaders fall into the same trap over and over again, as history shows? In this conference, we are excited to have top scholars from different disciplines and
contexts present their work.
Some topics during the study day include:
• The Ethical Challenges of Moral Leadership
• Leadership and Justice: Engaging with Nicolas Wolterstorff
• Leading Diversity: The Ethics of Dialogue and Dissent
• Mandela’s Development as Moral Compass for his Rainbow Nation
• Hospitality as a Dimension in Leadership
• Old Testament Critique of Moral Leadership
• A Christian Philosophical Model of Moral Leadership
The full day conference features three plenary sessions as well as three parallel paper presentations, where participants are invited to choose what interests them most. We have also scheduled in time for discussion as well as networking.
We invite you to spend the day with us as we contemplate a pressing issue for our world today.


Speakers include:
Joanne Ciulla – Jepson School of Leadership, USA
Richard Briggs – Durham University, UK
Alicia Crumpton – Johnson University, USA
Gerhard Botha – Center for Assisting Spiritual Leaders, South Africa
Patrick Nullens – ETF, Belgium
Jack Barentsen – ETF, Belgium


About ILE
The Institute of Leadership and Ethics (ILE), as a research institute of ETF, seeks to cultivate and develop a Christian perspective on aspects of leadership and ethics as they relate to establishing a just and sustainable society.


To Register
Please complete the form in this link http://www.formdesk.com/etfvz
w/ILE_registration by the 30th April 2014. The conference costs 20 Euros (7
Euros for students). Lunch, tea/coffee and reception.


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