
The Get-out-of-the-way strategy – Presentation by Laurent Ledoux at Caux – Tige (Business Workstream)

You will find hereunder the original powerpoint presentation and audio recording of « The Get-out-of-the-way strategy », as well as other documents evoked during the presentation (look below, under the headers « Presentations » and « Audio »).

Link to the report on the business workstream of the Caux website.


In particular, you will also find attached a synthesis of Ronald Heifetz’s stimulating ideas on adaptive leadership, various articles on or by Isaac Getz, author of « Freedom inc. », as well as various articles written by or with Mark Strom, an australian philosopher and consultant, author of a great book (currently in the process of being edited and printed again), « Arts of the wise leader ».


For those interested in Mark’s ideas and in wise leadership, please know that he will be in Europe in October 2012. Besides Belgium, he and his wife plan to visit France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey (among others). If you would be interested to invite him to give a speech or organize a one to three days seminar with him in your town, please let us know at ledoux.laurent@gmail.com or by calling Laurent at +32 478 62 14 20, we’ll be happy to see if we can organize something with you. Mark is not doing this for commercial motives but to share his experiences and ideas and meet hereby like-minded people. But if these events can help fund, even partially, the travel costs, it will of course be welcome.


Finally please note that the « Venice » presentation goes into more depth than the Caux presentation, in particular regarding the practices facilitating inner transformation).


Unfortunately for the English speakers, some of these documents are in French.


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