
The role of government in the business & society debate – Conference at VUB

Organized by VUB Professors Nikolay Dentchev and Elvira Haezendonck, a conference on « The role of government in the business & society debate » will be held on 14 sept. 2011, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in a preparation of a special issue in Business & Society (leading scientific journal on CSR). The conference will aim to stimulate the development of ideas for the special issue, and targets a good mix of academics and practitioners. See the call for paper attached to this agenda.

This event is structurally supported by the International Association of Business and Society (IABS), the Eurpean Academy of Business in Society and the Chair of Public-Private-Partnerships at VUB (Deloitte, Laga, Grontmij).
In the panel, there will be among others internationally renowned specialists on the topic such as
– Prof. Alain Verbeke,
– Prof. Nigel Roome,
– EABIS  Secretary General Simon Pickard,
– Managing Director of EPPA dr. Stefan Schepers.
For more info:
Nikolay A. Dentchev
HUBrussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel


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