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To Be or To Become (by Dr. Marc Van der Erve for the Club of Rome EU Chapter) | Philosophie et Management

To Be or To Become (by Dr. Marc Van der Erve for the Club of Rome EU Chapter)

Aurelio Peccei Lectures & Dialogues


Thursday 29 September 2011 at 18:00


New: The Next Scientific Revolution : Workshop toolkit. It is open source and can be downloaded freely. (http://www.marcvandererve.org/marcvandererve/WORKSHOP_KIT.html)


Based on a decade of research, the speaker’s new book To Be Or To Become, explores a new philosophical, scientific and societal platform. In sum, we will no longer interpret our world as a material phenomenon but as a wholly behavioral phenomenon, a view that promises dramatic improvements in the way we will run society. Yet, at the heart of – what other thinkers believe will be a « new Renaissance” – To Be Or To Become falls short as manifesto – a public statement of policies and aims. The speaker will investigate the need for a manifesto for the third millennium.


Author and architect of an iPad App for the assessment of societal and leadership cycles, Marc van der Erve is regularly invited to address diverse audiences on matters ranging from leadership to our ability to predict the evolution of organizational phenomena. After unraveling the physics of organization, he demonstrated our ability to predict societal developments. In his recent book, he offers a radically different explanation of our world as a wholly behavioral rather than physical phenomenon, a view that promises dramatic improvements in the way it is run. His research explores the practical and the philosophical on the crossroads where the natural and social sciences meet. Marc van der Erve holds a BSc in Applied Physics cum laude and a PhD in Sociology. He currently resides in both South Africa and Europe.


« We stand now at a junction in history. It is apparent to many that reductionist science with its materialist values is losing credibility. »


Royal Academy of Belgium (Rubens auditorium. Entrance A + D), Hertogstraat 1 rue Ducale B-1000 Brussels.

Doors open at 17:30. The lecture, starting at 18:00 sharp, will be followed by refreshments. After the

event participants are welcome to join the speaker for dinner (participation is at own cost).


Registration for the lecture, as well as for dinner.

This event is organised by The Club of Rome EU Chapter with the support of Deloitte.


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