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Webinar on First Summit for FULL HUMAN POTENTIAL Realization at 16:30 | Philosophie et Management

Webinar on First Summit for FULL HUMAN POTENTIAL Realization at 16:30

Dear friends & fellow Change-Makers,


With great pleasure, we invite you to the first Summit for HUMAN POTENTIAL Realization.


The event will take place in Belgium from September 20th to 22nd. Over the course of these 2,5 days we will come together as a group of change-makers to:

1.       Co-develop, experience and practice using best-in-class methodologies for expanding our Change-Making potential in the world

2.       Explore how to immediately and most effectively bring these back into organizations and engage the key decision-makers (ie: break down the barriers to change).

3.       Make deep, lasting connections and become part of a community that can continue to support and inspire each other


We will achieve this by bringing together, in a co-creative space, change-makers from across the globe and leaders from the world of business, politics, education and NGO’s.


For more information we invite you to visit:

1.       Summit brochure

2.       Intro video from the summit organizing team

3.       If you are ready to register please do so here


To keep the event as affordable as possible our marketing expenses are minimum. Therefore, if you feel inspired, please do pass this on to potentially interested people in your networks. To make it easy to share, we have created a Facebook event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/1586751578274217/)


At some level, I feel we all agree that the current ways of politics, business, education, health care… are no longer sustainable. Over the years, I have become much clearer and more confident that there is another way, and that we all have an important role to play in co-creating these new realities. However, for these changes to happen we will need to access and fully leverage the unique skills, talents and experiences that each one of us brings. In other words we need to step into our FULL Human Potential.


The purpose of the summit is to enable this process. By bringing people with similar aspirations together we plan to create an environment where we can gain new inspiration, strengthen our resolve and walk away with very practical solutions that will significantly increase the impact of our change making efforts. The HUMAN POTENTIAL Assessment is just one example of a tool that can help bridge the gap between the current reality and future possibilities.


There has been quite some interest since launching this initiative one month ago. However, we still have some work to do in order to turn the curiosity that many of you are showing into a committed “Yes, this is for me” or “No, this isn’t for me”. Therefore we have decided to offer a webinar at the end of May. During this one hour session the organizing team will:

1)      Provide more insight on how this event fits into the bigger picture of Human Potential movement that is unfolding,

2)      Give you a glimpse of the experience we aim to create during these 2,5 days together and

3)      Present the methodology that we will use to achieve our objectives. There will also be some time for Q&A’s.


Thursday May 28th at 16:30 CET:  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/intro-to-human-potential-summit-webinar-2-tickets-17005339428


We have a recording of a previous call. Here is the link: http://stme.in/xFGrdqCvw


We hope many of you will join us.


Mark Vandeneijnde [mailto:mark@beingatfullpotential.com]


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