Arts of the wise leader – TEDx by Mark Strom

  07.04.2013   |     Leadership, Sagesse, Wisdom

Grounded questions.

Rich stories.

Deep change.


Watch Mark at TEDx



Mailing address is:
Interpretive Consulting Pty Ltd (Mark Strom)

55/6 Wyargine Street

Mosman, NSW 2088





The advice in (Mark’s first book) Arts of the Wise Leader will last a lifetime.

Sir Bob Harvey, Auckland


You make me think – about the way I think.

Ann Austin, Lend Lease, Sydney


(Mark) presents a compelling case of being human in management and leadership.

Martin Tan, Halogen Foundation, Singapore


Mark delivered a captivating and engaging presentation (that) challenged (us) to think differently.

Mark Reynolds, CoreNet, Sydney



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