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Philosophy & Management 2011 - 2012's cycle of seminars - Nature's intelligence: Can it revolutionize management? | Philosophie et Management

Philosophy & Management 2011 – 2012's cycle of seminars – Nature's intelligence: Can it revolutionize management?

  23.08.2011   |     Environmental Ethics, Ethique environnementale, Intelligence de la Nature, Nature, Nature's Intelligence

You’ll find below the titles in English of our conferences and seminars for this new cycle.


The detailed program and flyer in French can be found here.


Opening conference: Why and how could nature’s intelligence inspire us?

1. What does the biosphere and ecosystems teach us in order to optimize the usage of our resources?

2. Does nature suggest a new economy based on functionality?

3. Can we increase creativity within enterprises through nature’s inspiration?

4. What does life teach us regarding networks’ organization and fluid exchanges?

5. What do animals teach us regarding the primacy between competition and collaboration?

6. Can the interdependence within biotic communities inspire in us a different vision of the role of enterprises within their environment?

7. Is the promotion of (bio)diversity an indispensable counterweight to an endless pursuit of efficiency?

8. What do nature and natural self-organizing forms teach us about leadership and governance?

Closing conference: Can nature help us revolutionize management? What did we learn? What do we do tomorrow morning? (with J. Baird Callicott)


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