There are No Rules to Enlightment – Shortcuts on the Spiritual Journey 34, article by Tom Stine – 09/08/13

  10.08.2013   |     Awakening, Enlightment, Méditation, Spirituality

oday I’m going to reveal to you one of those deep, hidden, esoteric spiritual truths that few if any will divulge. Are you ready? Are you sitting down? Good! Here it is:

There are no rules to enlightenment or spiritual awakening. No rules!

Do you understand what that means? No rules means that awakening can take any form it wants. It can occur in any way it wants. There are literally no rules IT must follow in how it progresses or occurs or in whom. The Universe or the Divine can do things any
way it pleases!

Murderers have awakened (and remained behind bars). Alcoholics have awakened (and kept on drinking). Some have experienced awakening and continued to hit on every pretty woman in sight. Some have experienced awakening and continued to have major health issues. Some have awakened and been poor as dirt or filthy rich. Yes, there are those who have awakened and driven BMWs.

Some have awakened on their death bed. Others have awakened as children. Some meditated for decades. Others were thrown into solitary and left to rot only to « see the light. » Some served God as nuns or monks. Some were Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists. Others were atheists or agnostics.

Some were extremely bright. Some were dumb as a stump. Nice, neat, mean, messy… on and on it goes.

There are no rules. And yet…

While there are no rules as to whom or how awakening occurs, there does seem to be one (almost) constant:

In 99% of the cases of those who have awakened, there was almost always some period of time sitting or resting in silence, turning within to inquire or examine or rest with the inner world and, ultimately, see through it.

There may be no rules, but as I keep saying, you probably can’t sit too much.

Tom Visit 




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