Blanche Segrestin is professor at Mines ParisTech in the Center for Management Science (CGS). She is affiliated to the Chair of « Theory and Method for Innovative Design » (lead by A. Hatchuel and B Weil) and she is in charge of the doctoral program in Management Science.
Her main research interests connect collective innovation capabilities and the theory of the firm. With the Chair of « Theory and Method for Innovative Design » (lead by A. Hatchuel and B Weil), she works on innovation management in close collaboration with industrial partners. The growing concerns on corporate governance also call theoretical investigations on the theory of the firm: her current work articulates management science and corporate law.
Recent publications include articles in British Journal of Management, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Research Policy, R&D Management and Creativity and Innovation management. She published a book on innovative inter-firm cooperation (Innovation et Coopération interentreprises, CNRS Editions) and edited a special issue on the governance of the firm (Quelle norme pour l’entreprise ? Entreprise et Histoire).