Surya Tahora is an Indian Philosopher who has been studying for over 17 years with Swami Dayananda Saraswati, a well known contemporary teacher of Advaita Vedanta (Non Duality) and a scholar in Sanskrit. Surya has also completed a Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Industry from Paris University, a MBA and an intensive executive training program at INSEAD. He worked for several years in L’Oreal Group and Air France in international marketing and strategic planning both in Paris and Bangkok. From 2007, Surya has been giving conferences and conducting seminars across the world, both in English and French, in the domain of Personal Development and Philosophy. These activities are aimed at guiding individuals and leaders of various organizations to be more objective, dynamic and compassionate in an increasingly interconnected and complex world. He created with his wife Neema Majmudar a website in English and French called Vedanta, Being alive to what is, which explains in a modern style the vision of the traditional teaching of Advaita Vedanta with numerous links to articles and videos of their talks. He published recently a book ‘Living the vision of oneness, Exploring realities and growing as an individual” which he wrote with his wife Neema Majmudar
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Double DVD Découvrir la plénitude du Soi, Lumières sur l’enseignement intemporel de la Bhagavad Gita
Livres en français de Swami Dayananda et notre nouveau livre en anglais ‘Living the Vision of Oneness : exploring realities and growing as an individual’ et aussi sur Amazon.