
Leading with Wisdom Opening conference: Talking transformation – what is the wisdom & impact of genuine human engagement? – Mark Strom


With Mark Strom, Australian philosopher & historian of ideas


Where & when: ICHEC (Manoir d’Anjou Campus – details below) – Oct. 11th 2012 – 19:30-22:00

Every manager wrestles with employee engagement. It has become the holy grail of transformation and innovation. Mark has personally led such changes as a CEO, and reflected on them philosophically. His insights are refreshingly free of the pseudo-sophistication of managerial concepts, and grounded in personal leadership experience. A highly engaging and interactive thinker and speaker, Mark communicates his ideas brilliantly using story and reflection.


Mark will use this session to introduce the ideas and tools he calls the Arts of the Wise Leader, the basis of our next cycle of seminars. He will particularly focus on the power of real conversations, stories, and ‘sideways’ questions to unlock the brilliance of individuals and groups who work in difficult and complex contexts.


At the heart of Mark’s Arts of the Wise Leader is a simple conviction and hypothesis: leadership needs wisdom. Or more specifically: when we converse about leadership within the larger topic of wisdom, we gain a richer view of leadership and are able to circumvent populist clichés and formulas about it. For Mark, wisdom enables a leader to read key patterns of life (naming, conversing, influencing and facing uncertainty) and to apply these insights with discernment and care (through the arts of story, brilliance, promise and grace).


Mark will build the evening around the remarkable story of the transformation of a tough public school in Sydney, Australia. This transformation has continued and deepened for nearly a decade with clear metrics showing deep change. Mark was the principal adviser to the school and the architect of the approach they adopted.


This opening conference will be a wonderful opportunity to start exploring Mark’s conviction and hypothesis[1] which will be at the core of PhiloMa’s new cycle.


In order to converse with Mark and all participants about the arts of the wise leader we have also invited several well-known philosophers and leadership specialists from various Belgian universities to this unique event.


Prices & Registration

15 euro if older than 25 years

7 euro if 25 or younger

– 0 euro if registered to the full cycle


ICHEC – Manoir d’Anjou Campus; Rue Au bois 365A – B-1150 Woluwé-Saint-Pierre (close to SportCity).

By Bus: Ligne 36;

By Car: Parking easy either on the campus itself or in the Rue Au Bois.

Access plan

Tel: 02 739 38 60.


Mark Strom studied theology, philosophy and history in Australia and the USA culminating in a PhD in the history of ideas. His research constituted a major study of the roots of modern leadership complexities in the traditions that shaped western thought and society. Mark has consulted to corporations and government bodies on leadership, learning, engagement, and innovation. From 2005-10, Mark was CEO of Laidlaw College. Mark is currently working on a new book building on his former, highly inspiring work, “Arts of the Wise Leader”. You can access here a draft of the chapter on Conversation. The working title of the new book is Wise: Leading for Better Futures, to be published in early 2013. For more information on Mark, visit his Linkedin page and watch this video of a recent speech he gave.   


From Mark’s new website :


10 ways to find a powerful grounded questions & 12 Examples of Moving to Grounded Questions



[1]  If you are are interested (for your organization or yourself) to deepen the conversation with Mark through a specific seminar in the days or weeks after the conference, please send a mail to ledoux.laurent@gmail.com.


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